Or rather...several. Yesterday while I was cleaning upstairs, I noticed something cozied up in the corner of our storage room. Lo and behold - a tiny dead mouse! I decided to cower on the couch until Lobsterman came home from work. We then proceeded to set some traps around the house and put poison in the attic. I know, I know - not humane at all. But the night before we heard them scratching in the wall behind our heads - it kept me up all night. It's them or me - and I always pick me.

Anyways, I'm trying to convince myself that they're cute and friendly and nice. Like Santa Mouse. Ever read this when you were a kid? If I end up killing Santa Mouse, it will be a sad day for everyone.
Santa Mouse, $15
peanut butter is a better alternative to poison.
but wont that just attract them and not get rid of them?
nice try peta.
No you put the peanut butter in the mouse trap! They have a nice last meal before they go to rodent heaven!
that is what we did actually! ha!
nothing in traps yet. i think they are eating dkon in the attic tho. sorry.
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