Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm not a soda drinker. I'm a seltzer or beer or wine or chocolate milk drinker since I swore off soda quite awhile ago. Lobsterman and I went for a walk the other night and he ordered an iced americano while I picked this out. I'll be honest. My decision was wholly based on the cute packaging. But it wasn't bad for a soda either. Cute right? Blue Sky soda is made in Santa Fe (a very cool city) and I highly recommend this brand if you are in fact a pop drinker.

(can you see the holes in my wall in the background? that was from an art hanging attempt gone awry. heh.)


Anonymous said...

nice packaging, this can is great! your doggie is so handsome :D

D&D said...

he's a looker indeed.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Have you tried Izze's? They are just carbonated water with fruit juices - love the grapefruit. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. How funny that you had a children's book Monday and I've got one today - must be on the same wavelength. Love Portland. Happy to find your blog - I'll be back!